Student Interns

Current Appalachian State University students in good standing completing internship requirements for class credit may be eligible to stay long-term at the Appalachian Loft for the duration of the internship.  In order to be considered for a long term stay, the student must submit a request in writing to Finance and Operations along with a letter from the supervising faculty detailing the dates and the nature of the internship or practicum.  There are two positions open per semester and each summer session, with priority given to upperclassmen and students who have not had a previous long-term stay at the loft.

In exchange for discounted lodging, students with internships will assist the Resident Director in the general operation of the Loft 10-hours per week.  The rate for Interns is $35 per night.  


Applications deadlines dates are:

  • Fall semester due by August 15,
  • Spring semester due by November 15, and
  • Summer semester due by April 15.

Please submit an application packet (electronically) which includes the following, to :

  1. written letter of intent,
  2. written letter of recommendation from an ASU faculty member, and
  3. proof of an internship from your company (may be a direct e-mail from the company, or a written letter on letterhead). 

 If you have questions, please contact or 828-262-2132.